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Forums/ WiFi
2024-01-05 03:41:14
Re:EAP Beta Firmware for Omada SDN Controller v5.9 (Updated on Jan 4th, 2024)
@Hank21 I have a EAP670 with the latest 1.0.12 fw. The device is configured for dfs channels on 5ghz. When dfs activity is detected, ap changes channels but never reverts to the original channel...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-12-21 19:47:57
Re:EAP670 - Do I Need 2.5GB Backhaul?
@GregVLAN I have a single eap670 used in a home environment. Wired to 1gb switch, using ax200 client, best I would see is ~700-800 mbps in iperf3 testing. Using a 2.5gbps switch I see upwards of...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-12-13 20:33:58
Re:understanding the product line / recommandation
I have a single eap670 for ~1500 sq ft house (inc basement). Using 2x2 ax clients with the ap in 160mhz ch width mode, I see ~1-1.6 gbps on iperf3 tests. The latter ~16' away going through a floor...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-12-13 20:22:17
Re:Omada Software Controller - serial number of devices is missing
@u880 My eap670 is not adopted (running in standalone mode). No serial number in the webui either. Tried poking around the file system in ssh, no joy there either.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-19 04:51:05
Re:When we will see better client isolation
Agreed. Surprising to see this functionality lacking in an 'enterprise' product. Prior to upgrading to the eap670, i ran vlans and different ssid's on a old asus rt-ac68u in ap mode. Of course none...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-18 17:26:23
EAP670 dfs radar detected behavior (fallback?)
Hello, Device EAP670 HW 1.0 FW 1.0.12 Build 20230922 Rel. 53972(5553) Locale - US New to the EAP ap. Device is configured to use dfs channel 100. Overnight (5am) in the logs I see it detected a radar...