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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
18 hours ago
Re:Archer AX53 settings with PPPoE connection
@Joseph-TP I did not think I could connect directly to the ONT device and login is PPPoE to ISP, it's a router at the ISP (no NAT it looks like) I can try that. all my cables are Cat6, the streamer...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
22 hours ago
Re:unable to change dns
@madhurop In my router I had to enter the DNS in the DHCP (Optional) settings also. I use an fiber ONT and have a public IP address. I am far from expert just something to try
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Archer AX53 settings with PPPoE connection
Fiber connection using ISP ONT. Been having random small audio dropouts streaming Netflix since installing the router. the streamer is using using gigabit connection, so not Wireless related. speed...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Archer AX53 & AX58 V1 Supports EasyMesh Ethernet Backhaul, WireGuard VPN, IoT Network, and More
@Kevin_Z Can you tell me how much memory the Ax53 V1 has and the processor? Just curious, I may want to go a bit more, nothing listed in the specs on either. I seem to have a tiny bit of lag and...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Archer AX53 & AX58 V1 Supports EasyMesh Ethernet Backhaul, WireGuard VPN, IoT Network, and More
@Kevin_Z Kevin_Z wrote @mrtim Please check if the PC can access the internet properly and obtain an IP address from the router automatically, if yes, this may have little to do with the router but...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Archer AX53 & AX58 V1 Supports EasyMesh Ethernet Backhaul, WireGuard VPN, IoT Network, and More
@Kevin_Z My AX53 V1 is working well so far with my new ONU today. I'm a bit confused why I can't see my network, my PC is now just "Workgroup" maybe enable SMB 1.0? Router automatically enabled UPnP...