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Forums/ Controllers
2024-01-09 22:33:03
Re:ACL to Allow All VLANs access to Pi Hole DNS
@Yuuki A Thank you again for bearing with me. I will post screenshots of the ACL rule once I am back home with the devices. As regards the PING tests, I can verify that I am able to successfully ping...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-01-08 19:35:07
Re:ACL to Allow All VLANs access to Pi Hole DNS
@YuukiA My apologies for the incredibly bad diagram. What I'm trying to show here is that the Raspberry Pi I want to use for DNS lives in my primary network (VLAN 1). This is the same network that...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-01-08 19:22:31
Re:ACL to Allow All VLANs access to Pi Hole DNS
Forums/ Switches
2023-12-17 18:03:02
Re:Thinking of Upgrading My Network to Omada but Have Some Questions
Hi, Once again, thank you so much for your reply. On first reading I missed the reference you made to the comparison chart. I have now reviewed that and it was very helpful. I now know what I need to...
Forums/ Switches
2023-12-16 23:13:26
Re:Thinking of Upgrading My Network to Omada but Have Some Questions
@sonaric Thank you SO much for the prompt and detailed response. It is extremely helpful. i just wanted to clarify one thing regarding VLANs. If I've understood you correctly, I only need to...
Forums/ Switches
2023-12-16 19:07:00
Thinking of Upgrading My Network to Omada but Have Some Questions
Hi, My apologies if this is posted in the wrong place (and for a lengthy post). I'm contemplating rebuilding my home network as my current, flat, structure is starting to show some limitations. I...