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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-12-29 07:36:18
Re:Challenges with Oculus Quest 3 Connectivity on Archer AXE75 v1.0's 6Ghz Band
@Sunshine Yea, i probably would do such test if i had opportunity, but 6e routers is not common thing around here.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-12-28 18:31:44
Re:Challenges with Oculus Quest 3 Connectivity on Archer AXE75 v1.0's 6Ghz Band
@Giuseppe_Lupo I noticed, that channel 69PCS sometimes can be found and i been able to connect to it for couple minutes. But still lose connection after about 2-5 minutes. Such a BS experience.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-12-28 11:58:08
Re:Challenges with Oculus Quest 3 Connectivity on Archer AXE75 v1.0's 6Ghz Band
I have the same issue. Tested every single channel with PCS and without, every security. No results. Sometimes i see 6e network for couple seconds and then its gone. Once i even been able to connect...