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Forums/ WiFi
2017-03-17 17:35:19
Re:EAP 220 not showing up in controller
Oh... I just clicked around until something worked. I've got the new wifi adapter (and everything is working well) -- will see if I can undo the static lease and see if the EAP shows up now without...
Forums/ WiFi
2017-03-15 18:34:49
Re:EAP 220 not showing up in controller
In my router's settings I went to DHCP settings and clicked "force available" for the MAC address of the EAP. It then showed up in the Connector and it's adopted and listed as Connected now.
Forums/ WiFi
2017-03-15 18:33:46
Re:EAP225 not showing in Controller
In my router's settings I went to DHCP settings and clicked "force available" for the MAC address of the EAP. It then showed up in the Connector and it's adopted and listed as Connected. My AWUS036h...
Forums/ WiFi
2017-03-14 18:37:49
Re:EAP 220 not showing up in controller
I have the same problem with a EAP 225 (already posted my own topic, but that needs to be approved before it shows up, wonder if you got this fixed so I can try that too.)
Forums/ WiFi
2017-03-14 18:13:23
EAP225 not showing in Controller
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Router -> EAP225 -> PC (home user). EAP225, V1. Unknown firmware version. PC is running Win10Pro, and is using an Alfa AWUS036H wifi adapter. I've...