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Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-17 01:35:10
Re:Block of 5 static IP's from my ISP
@Fae OK, with everything we have gone over so far I think I understand. only thing I really need to know now is with my left block of static ip's from my ISP will it be an issue if I assign one to my...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-16 12:07:55
Re:Block of 5 static IP's from my ISP
@Fae So in the example post when the "WAN' port is mentioned, means the port of the "WAN" port of the TP-Link ER8411 VPN Router I'm using? (image from post referred to) Also, in the image where it...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-15 21:25:24
Block of 5 static IP's from my ISP
Hello, Complete Noob so pease go easy on me. I recently purchased the oc200, TL-SX3008F and the ER8411. I have also ordered a block of static ip's from my isp. (at&t) I need to assign the server im...