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Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:ER7206 - Wireguard "Allowed Address" issue
@Navas1 Thank you for your response, let me connect my router to a SDN software controller and will keep you updated.
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:ER7206 - Wireguard "Allowed Address" issue
Thank you for your reponse, appreciated. Sorry, just one question. I am running ER7206 as a standalone router, I only have option for adding one subnet, should I use router to SDN module to add...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:ER7206 - Wireguard "Allowed Address" issue
Thanks for your response. I tried to add peers as you mentioned but it didn't work either. FYI, the existing router ( openwrt ) which I used doesn't require any kind of changes in the peer. I am not...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:ER7206 - Wireguard "Allowed Address" issue
Hi, thank you for your response and I appreciate your patience . sorry I am little frusturated here is image you are looking for , please let me know if that make sense. All I need is my "PC 1" and...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:ER7206 - Wireguard "Allowed Address" issue
@Clive_A The screenshot I provided is a WG peer which was setup in my PC so that I can access all my other WG peers. I wanted to achieve the same thing in the ER7206 router. Are you telling me that...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:ER7206 - Wireguard "Allowed Address" issue
Hi Here is the wireguard app config which I use in my mac to connect Please let me know if you need any more info.