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Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-06-24 11:13:56
Re:EasyMesh + OneMesh
@Joseph-TP Hi Thanks for your advice but it does not work. I tried to link devices using all possible variants: 1) using admin web interface 2) using WPS button 3) using Tether mobile app. Devices...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-06-23 17:40:07
EasyMesh + OneMesh
Hello I have 2 TP-Link devices: 1) Archer AX10 (Firmware 1.3.10 Build 20240130 Rel. 77367(4555)) 2) RE305 (EU3.0) (Firmware 1.1.5 Build 20210416 Rel. 61543) Both devices have latest firmware. I can't...