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Forums/ Deco
2025-01-27 23:07:36
Re:Deco X50 Poe red lights daily
@mariano20 Have you tried resetting the modem/router to factory and then try setting up the decos 1 by 1, see if this helps?
Forums/ Deco
2024-09-06 22:24:49
Re:Deco X50 Poe red lights daily
@benjamin24 Found the issue to be a setting on the modem/router. last week i factory reset the modem and entered in all the isp details again and now ive had trouble free mesh technology since!...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-20 07:58:06
Re:Deco X50 Poe red lights daily
@David-TP Hi David, I did receive your email, I sent the logs back to you straight away via replying to the email, yep still having trouble after I've reset and swapped the decos and also have only 2...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-13 08:33:00
Re:Deco X50 Poe red lights daily
@CIIayHeHoK Unfortunately i feel like i have the same problem straight out of the box, red lights daily and constantly. all TPlink gear so i would have thought 100% compatibillity
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-13 08:05:43
Re:Deco X50 Poe red lights daily
@David-TP Hi David thanks for the reply actually today I've had the decos resetting about every 10 min or so going solid red then 2 or so min later going green. I've changed the sg105pe auto poe...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-12 01:46:47
Deco X50 Poe red lights daily
Having a problem with the x50 poe (3 units in ap mode) tplink poe switch (sg-105pe) and a tplink dsl router VX220-g2v about once or twice a day i get red lights on all 3 decos even though the router...