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Forums/ WiFi
2017-08-16 22:10:21
Re:EAP Controller Portal Authentication & Roaming Clients not Working
Its a flaw as far as I can see but wanted to check incase I did a fat finger job! Anyway I was onto support and they confirmed it doesn't work. They have confirmed same band roaming works so EAPC has...
Forums/ WiFi
2017-08-16 17:15:09
Re:EAP Controller Portal Authentication & Roaming Clients not Working
Agreed, but this is sold as a business solution so the controller should check the client MAC and see it's been authorized for the SSID and grant access. The other business WiFi systems handle this....
Forums/ WiFi
2017-08-14 23:16:43
Re:EAP-Software: Why not available for Linux / as Docker image
Had same problem and issue turned out to be OpenJRE. Switching to OracleJRE did not work properly so I cut the losses and started afresh with LUbuntu 17.04 and OracleJDK
Forums/ WiFi
2017-08-14 01:57:40
EAP Controller Portal Authentication & Roaming Clients not Working
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Hi, Test setup with EAP245 and controller using Hotspot authentication - all works fine on 2.4.7 (Windows) and 2.4.8 (Linux). However when an...