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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco x60 v3.20
Thank you so much for your answer.Now i use google dns and it fixed most of my problems but im having latency peaks if i use manual dns
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco x60 v3.20
@Marvin_S hello when i change dns to seems no problem with safari appstore or stremio. But when i set auto-dns as it used to be in my modem, there's problem. Idk why but somehow my ISP dns...
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Deco x60 v3.20
@JamiryoFC well sorry it didnt solve any problem still having this weird issue
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Deco x60 v3.20
I spent hours troubleshooting my network and finally figured out that SIP ALG was breaking everything. If you’re experiencing weird connectivity issues with Safari, App Store, Stremio, or even gaming...
Forums/ Deco
2025-01-09 18:50:19
Re:Deco X50 - High CPU Usage
@Charles_Andre wow so x50 shows more info about devices than x60. also some x50 have easymesh support. i feel so regret to go with x60 instead of x50. i was thinking x60 better......
Forums/ Deco
2025-01-08 02:55:32
Re:Is this possible?
@LukasGrombir- unfotunately no. Deco mesh system works only with deco units. The one mesh system on router is easy mesh and i dont know which deco units supports it but most dont. If its not private;...