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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
20 hours ago
Re:L2TP VPN Client Stuck at Connecting
@Joseph-TP Hi Joseph. I did not attempt to run concurrent VPN connections. I was only mentioning that the OpenVPN connection works, while the L2TP connection doesn't. I also configured the L2TP...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
WireGuard VPN Client and Server on AX73
When can we expect to have Wireguard VPN client and server options on the Archer AX73 v1.0 and Archer AX73 v2.0?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
L2TP VPN Client Stuck at Connecting
I am trying to configure a VPN client connection on my router to connect to my other router (UniFi Gateway). I put in all the parameters, and when I try to connect, it just gets stuck at Connecting....