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Forums/ WiFi
2019-08-11 20:19:27
Re:Re: Alias name for client in EAP-Controller
Firstly, Not all of us are in EU Juristriction. It is fully leagal to Data mine in NZ But unlike EU it is Illegal to Steal Data in NZ. Secondly, I guessed you would say go to the other devices. Not...
Forums/ WiFi
2019-08-11 00:54:46
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Alias name for client in EAP-Controller
For us Network Administrators that have use Competitor Network Equipment (eg. Cisco, Ubiquity etc) we have had this feature on those devices, USED IT and LIKED IT. Irrespective if you personally find...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2018-12-27 04:05:27
Re:Configurable names for clients show in EAP controller
Hi, Yes I agree fully, however from a different perspective. We regularly have customers who we would like to leave our establishment. Either because of being difficult with Wait-Staff or just plain...