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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-17 06:08:34
Re:Re:Re:WR902AC Bridge mode over ethernet
Hello Kevin, Thanks for getting back to me. The topology I am wanting to extend (as referenced in my original post): Netgear Wifi Router as main ADSL access point. LAN (from netgear) ethernet ->...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-15 06:31:34
Re:WR902AC Bridge mode over ethernet
I'm going to answer this myself... The unit doesn't allow bridge mode (the supplied instructions are vague, and don't even cover the 2 additional connection modes provided - just 'ap ring') The unit...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-15 02:25:37
WR902AC Bridge mode over ethernet
Hi there, I need to connect this unit to an ethernet cable (from a wifi router) and use bridge mode to then extend the wifi network into another room. Is this possible? So.. I have a wifi router...