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Forums/ Deco
2019-12-25 10:32:09
Re:No stats on app
@Kevin_Z Private message sent. Thanks a lot.
Forums/ Deco
2019-12-25 06:33:23
Re:No stats on app
@Kevin_Z Doesn't work but at least we know it's a software problem. Btw you sure that I am the only one with this iussue? - In fact the new main started to show zero on realtime upload/download...
Forums/ Deco
2019-12-24 05:25:58
Re:No stats on app
@Kevin_Z Yep upload and download on main deco are ZERO and all single clients connect on the Wifi network (then connected also on other two deco) show always null download / upload, basically the...
Forums/ Deco
2019-12-23 10:12:04
No stats on app
Hello, I have just bought and configurated 3 x M4 in my house . Access Point mode with backhaul setup. Everything works well and covarege is finally very good, but I have a problem:. The stats for...
Forums/ Deco
2019-07-19 15:21:40
Deco M4 Incompatibility with one TV
Hello, I have just bought and configurated 3 x M4 in my house . Access Point mode with backhaul setup. Everything works well and covarege is finally very good, but I have found an incompatibility...