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Forums/ Deco
2021-10-26 20:24:35
Re:Deco M4 V1 is this the last firmware we will see
I know they had a 1.5 release a couple of months (here, and it had to be removed due to major issues, so probably, since the M5 is...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-08 20:43:22
Re:Devices not listed in categories on Deco App
Eventually removed both decos (first the satellite then the main) doing a reset, reconfigured everyting (even used the same ddns, kudos to this) again and now it shows again the clients. So, indeed...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-08 20:20:41
Re:Devices not listed in categories on Deco App
Ah, another think I noticed, is that I had 2 devices with reservation (mac > iP) and now they are stil lthere but show as "other", looks like the deco lost the "database" of the names given to the...
Forums/ Deco
2021-10-08 19:41:15
Re:Devices not listed in categories on Deco App
I have the same issue suddently today, did not change anything on my network. I also do not see any clients anymore on the http://<router>/webpages/index.html#networkMap Uninstalled the app and...
Forums/ Deco
2021-09-08 14:28:51
Re:Deco HC4 Vs M4, Which one is better?
I think they are the same product, just named differently in different countries, probably with some very specific configuration for each country (like the 5GHz bands can be).
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-23 09:50:27
Re:Deco M4R(2.0) Wi-Fi throttle after update to latest firmware
Any advances or feedback on this? I have the M4R v1 (similar firmware) and I am still on v1.4.2 (works well for me, on wifi 5Ghz I reach the limit of 120Mbps of my ISP link) and will not upgrade...