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Forums/ Deco
2023-05-05 15:47:43
Re:Deco HELP
We had a few wifi glitches after latest samsung updates to one ui core 4.0/4.1, seem better after the latest updates together with google play updates, ensure that the phone has all updates applied...
Forums/ Deco
2022-12-22 11:26:52
Re:Mesh M4
Just unplug the network cable from main mesh to the old router and plug it onto the new router, the main mesh will get a new IP and most probably it will just work fine afterwards.
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-25 19:06:11
Re:Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting
Can be a lot of things, from configuration issues to isp issues, cable or bad ports, if the configuration is really ok on both isp router and deco, some things to try for hardware issues are like:...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-25 10:22:42
Re:Deco x60 AP mode in bridge mode(main router)
No, a deco in AP mode relies on somebody else to provide the network layer so when you connect your deco in AP into a bridge mode router, it is like connecting it to a switch (data layer only, there...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-19 18:32:07
Re:"No Internet" message in Windows but have full internet access
A lenovo T14... one with an intel wifi 6 AX201 wifi card? If yes, I had my quota of issues with it before summer with similar issues to yours, nothing I read to try to fix this or any driver...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-18 14:29:28
Re:Choosing a deco mesh device
Newer laptops might support wifi6, but most devices are mostly wifi5 with a lot that is wifi4 only. The more recent wifi level the more expensive the routers are, going for wifi6 routers will cost...