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Forums/ Apps
2019-11-08 09:22:35
Re:Tether app doesn't support WR841N
@Kevin_Z Yes, it was the old firmware version incompatible with the Tether app, which is unsurprising. I bought the router years ago and never updated it's firmware. So, I've just updated it, and now...
Forums/ Apps
2019-11-07 09:03:48
Re:Tether app doesn't support WR841N
@Kevin_Z Hello and thanks for your reply. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but I believe the router should work as WiFi access point. Its my only router at home, and I have my isp cable...
Forums/ Apps
2019-11-06 20:27:24
Tether app doesn't support WR841N
Hi everyone, just joined this forum. I accidentally discovered tether app on Google play and decided to give it a try. I searched for compatible list online, and found information that my tp-link...