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Forums/ Deco
2019-12-10 09:29:27
Re:Deco M9 suddenly dropped to horrible slow speed
@Kevin_Z I'm still having trouble, could you please respond to my last post?
Forums/ Deco
2019-12-04 21:17:14
Re:Deco M9 suddenly dropped to horrible slow speed
@Kevin_Z Ok here we go I have a 2 floor home after climbing one stairs from the entrance door: In the living room, right next to the modem, I have a main deco connected through a short but good...
Forums/ Deco
2019-12-02 21:09:12
Deco M9 suddenly dropped to horrible slow speed
Hi! I tried the Hotline form, but it will not let me send a question, so I turn to the forums. My ISP (Ziggo) should give me 250Mbps. The modem is in bridge mode and my main Deco is connected to it...