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Forums/ Deco
2020-03-06 09:52:32
Re:Deco M4 with OpenDNS
@devstringx Not sure your post has any relevance at all to my query. But if you were trying to help, thanks anyway!
Forums/ Deco
2020-02-10 10:55:59
Remote access to router? Security concerns?
Every router that I've had so far has, by default, not permitted WAN side access to router settings etc to protect against unwanted intrusions. I've just now setup the Deco as a router (was...
Forums/ Deco
2020-01-29 13:28:36
Android app reports no data transfer
Deco M4 with 3 units, working in AP mode. Android app (I don't have iOS devices, so that's the only one I can see) reports all devices as "down 0 Kbps" and "up 0Kbps", irrespective of whether these...
Forums/ Deco
2020-01-29 13:19:57
Re:Deco M4 - Everythig working ok accept whats app! Odd problem, can anyone help?
@MarkN Whatsapp works fine for me on a M4 3-unit setup. Are you in router or AP mode (I'm in AP mode)? Not sure I can offer any other help, beyond saying "it works fine for me"!
Forums/ Deco
2020-01-27 15:23:38
Deco M4 with OpenDNS
I've just recently bought a Deco M4 3-unit setup and currently it is working nicely in my home in AP mode. I've currently chosen AP mode for simplicity as on my previous network I had a number of...