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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2020-03-26 17:13:39
Re:tp link td-w8961n Huge Packet Loss Amount.
Its been a week or so, nobody else from the staff replied. What im supposed to do? Return the router back? We run out of ideas what can cause that?
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2020-03-20 21:36:22
Re:tp link td-w8961n Huge Packet Loss Amount.
@Lexakozz Anything else?
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2020-03-19 13:35:12
Re:tp link td-w8961n Huge Packet Loss Amount.
@Stella.Q hey, thanks for the answer. I dont think that its the "old" thing that make this problem. Im really mad cause for 1 month that i have this router its been 1 week that shows this problem....
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2020-03-18 15:01:48
Re:tp link td-w8961n Huge Packet Loss Amount.
I tried 1440 , nothing happend. I was trying to put 1400 but i got error message: The range of TCP MSS must less than TCP MTU - 40(TCP and IP header)! The technician from the ISP told me that they...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2020-03-17 11:15:17
tp link td-w8961n Huge Packet Loss Amount.
Region : Greece ISP : Vodafone CONNECTION TYPE: ADSL Hello. I have this modem router for about a month and for about a week now i have issues with about 45-70% packet loss on my games. My router...