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Forums/ Deco
2020-09-29 12:24:32
Re:Deco M9 plus speed capped at 100mbps on both wired and wireless
@Idanbd @jthcomputers At first I just switched the ethernet port at the back of the Deco M9 and that fixed it, but the same issue would happen again after some time. Later I realized the problem was...
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-21 00:34:37
Re:Deco M9 plus speed capped at 100mbps on both wired and wireless
As you can see, the deco itself only seems to get about 90mbps from the modem. But after switching ethernet port on the deco, speed goes up for a little while before coming back down to 90s.
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-21 00:17:58
Deco M9 plus speed capped at 100mbps on both wired and wireless
So I just got the deco M9 plus system yesterday because I was having coverage issues at my home and it seems to have fixed that which is great but I noticed something odd. My Internet package is...