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Forums/ Deco
2020-07-31 21:58:33
Re:Connection issue and Mesh query
@Massimo_Italy I set a ping to the main Deco from a laptop on the same wireless network (not on the same Deco that you want to restart). Whilst the ping -t is running reboot the Deco and it should go...
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-24 16:05:36
Re:Connection issue and Mesh query
So I can now see that the mesh option is specific to a connecting client and not the system as a whole. I think I may have also of found a work around to force the furthest Deco to connect to the...
Forums/ Deco
2020-07-24 15:39:57
Connection issue and Mesh query
So just purchased 3 Deco's and set them up to discover that the Deco furthest from the main Deco is connecting to the main despite the signal being really poor even though there is a Deco in the...