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Forums/ Deco
2020-10-16 07:09:25
Re:Deco M5 and google home/assistant
@TP-Link_Deco > but there's M5 in the example.. :) >Just to confirm, do you mean you can see the 3 E4s on your Google Home/Assistant but cannot control it?...
Forums/ Deco
2020-10-14 02:36:29
Deco M5 and google home/assistant
Hello, I have the following setup 1 x Deco M5 (US), v3, firmware 1.4.9 , served as Main Deco 3 x Deco E5 (US), v1, firmware 1.4.3, served as slaves But when I'm trying to connect to Google...
Forums/ Deco
2020-10-13 11:54:05
update firmware deco e4
Trying to update to firmware 1.4.2 and failed with this message: Upgrade failed. Please select the latest version of firmware to upgrade. anyone else experiencing the same?
Forums/ Deco
2020-10-12 22:06:04
Upgrading deco m5 from different region
Hello, The latest deco m5 v3 firmware from Indonesia tp-link site is 1.3.15 ( ), but in US tp-link site is 1.4.4 (...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-07-27 04:27:30
Re:Unable to login to the router – Failed to execute call dispatcher target for entry '/login'.
@Kangoor any luck finding the solution? I have the exact same problem :(