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Forums/ Routers
By Tolgahan 2021-12-16 16:21:00

How do I configure multiple PPPoE connections using same VLAN ID?

Hi, I do have a GPON modem with 4 ethernet ports. 1st and 2nd ports are basically 2 different ISP connections. Both have their PPPoE credentials and VLAN ID of 35. I want to connect these 2 connection
Forums/ Routers
By Tolgahan 2021-07-18 14:43:57

Can I bond/aggregate 4 fiber connections with TL-R605?

Hi, I'm planning on buying a TL-R605 but I do have a question. I currently have a fiber connection at my home with single fiber cable containing 4 subscriptions from a single ISP. I do have a GPON / O