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Forums/ Deco
By nickbg321 2023-06-23 05:25:31

Unable to update X55

Hey, I've bought a pair of Deco X55s as I was having constant issues with my old M4s. I deleted the old network and setup the new one and everything seems fine, except I am unable to install updates.
Forums/ Deco
By nickbg321 2023-06-17 19:16:11

Main Deco M4 unit randomly restarts by itself

I have a pair of Deco M4s and a few days ago I started experiencing a strange issue. My PC would completely disconnect from WiFi and when I checked the status LED on the routers the main unit would li
Forums/ Deco
By nickbg321 2021-08-24 16:22:18

Deco M4 issues on secondary unit after updating to 1.5.0

I have a pair of Deco M4s which have been working excellent ever since I bought them over year and a half ago. While my main unit still works fine, ever since I updated the firmware to version 1.5.0 I