2021-12-11 14:52:23
Change wifi Channel on deco P9
Hello, Why we can not change the wifi channel of the 5ghz and 2.4ghz. You give the possibility to do the test of interferences. You can see that it is very bad the channel the deco he chose but you ca
2021-12-06 07:33:56
Internet connexion problème via lan
Bonjour, Je viens d'acquérir 3 deco p9. Le principal est connecté au router de mon provider internet. Lorsque que je me connecte en wifi au deco p9 j'ai accès à internet sans le moindre problème. Parc
2021-12-05 09:08:11
Internet connexion
Hello, I just install 3 New déco p9. The principal is connected to my provider router. Every think works perfectly by wifi. But everythink conneting by the port lan do not have internet connexion. Hav