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Forums/ Deco
By Jamesyk 2021-01-09 22:34:27

Deco android app

Anyone having issues with the deco app. I started it up tonight for the first time in a while and I have no settings available to change. When I go to the to network and hit the "more" button at the b
Forums/ Deco
By Mission360 2021-12-15 19:25:08

Deco App/Browser Console Very Slow Unless Reboot Main Deco

As the subject states, the app is getting impossible to use now. It is version 2.10.3 (Android). Occasionally it will log on and show the devices in a timely fashion (30 secs plus), but more often tha
Forums/ Deco
By Mission360 2021-12-14 08:53:51

S4 WiFi Interference

Why when I optimize the network through the incredibly slow Deco app, then do a test for WiFi interference through the app also, it goes from Medium to High interference. The app shows vacant channels