Wi-Fi Routers
2024-02-13 07:22:20
OpenVPN lenta su Archer AX55
Hi everyone, I put the TCP protocol of my VPN provider, but I notice that the speed is very low (10/12 mega). Why ? do I need to make some changes? I tried from the app on the iPhone, selecting TCP it
Wi-Fi Routers
2022-12-16 09:24:10
WireGuard VPN Firmware for Archer AX55
Hello Everyone, We are thrilled to announce that we now have officially published the WireGuard VPN firmware for Archer AX55 V1, which we believe you’re going to love it. Please check for the updates
Wi-Fi Routers
2022-12-16 21:31:42
difference speed router / access point
hi i have a problem with this router. setting it as an access point wifi speed is 330 mega, while in router mode the speed is 270 mega. why is it losing speed?
2022-12-11 09:37:36
Fasted Ping in load balancing
Hi, by enabling the er605 load balancing, having two internet lines, is it possible to ALWAYS choose the lowest Ping to use? In my case I have a Tiscali internet line with Ping 17ms and a Vodafone int
2022-12-01 14:26:48
Connessione dispositivo di un isp solo
Salve a tutti posseggo questo vpn router , dove ho attive due linee internet ( Tiscali e wind ) volevo sapere se è possibile in qualche modo dire al router , ad esempio , PC con indirizzo ip 192.168.X
2022-11-24 11:02:59
Problema load balancing er605
Buongiorno possiedo due linee Internet e voglio sommare entrambe le velocità.la prima linea Internet mi va sui 250 mega, la seconda linea Internet sui 100 mega.ho notato che attivando il load balancin