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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By RomanY 2022-12-23 17:51:13

ER8411 requires mDNS

Hi, Are there any plans to have mDNS on the latest ER8411 router? It's a shame that you released a brand new product and forgot to add the latest features you already have on lower grade models...
Forums/ Routers
By Hank21 2022-08-29 07:17:11

ER8411, the first Omada Router that supports 10G Ports

Hi Everyone, We’re excited to announce the official launch of ER8411 here! ER8411 is the first Omada Router that supports 10G Ports. In addition, the SSL VPN function is supported, which enriches the
Forums/ Controllers
By RomanY 2022-05-12 03:33:21

When will 5.3.1 software version will be available on OC300 controller?

Hi! How long does it take for TP link to roll out update to their hardware controllers when they release new version of Omada Cloud Controller? My current OC300 controller does not see any updates or