2023-06-27 01:36:35
Deco X60 losing parental control and block settings
A side note that I do not know what the version number is so I selected V1. During the past couple of months I have been having issues with settings that I put in place for parental controls and or bl
2023-06-28 07:27:22
Development Whitelist, timeframe please?
Hi, I need to post/send another request regarding the whitelist function asking; Where is it? I am happy that you have announced a whitelist feature but Why is it taking so long? Please respond with s
2022-11-18 06:20:54
No Whitelist
Hi Deco Team, We have been recommending Deco Mesh systems to all our clients for the past 5 years. We set up hundreds of these with in the time. Unfortunately, we are no longer selling and recommendin