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Forums/ Routers
By grapes 2023-09-04 20:25:02

ER7206 - Router log

Where is the router log which shows blocked and allow events? We troubleshoot our logs regularly to determine who and what is attempting to get through our routers. I'm trying this router in a test en
Forums/ Routers
By grapes 2023-09-03 22:32:15

SSH - From Lan

I added an Access entry to log onto the ER7206 with SSH, but it's not working. How can I log onto the router using ssh from the local LAN?
Forums/ Routers
By grapes 2022-11-11 06:23:08

er605 - port speed

Need to force wan port to full duplex for ATT fiber Where can I check the current setting? Where can I make the setting?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By grapes 2022-11-06 19:17:16


Unable to post any questions "Title or Content conains illegas tags" Pretty lame
Forums/ Routers
By grapes 2022-09-27 05:25:35

ER605 - Capabilites

Bought an ER605 to play with. Need help determining what the device can and cannot do: 1. Can I assign a separate lan network to each port. Example can I configure: port 2 as with dhcp