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Forums/ Deco
By Bee_24 2023-05-08 10:04:35

Deco X50 5G - Red light issue

Hello, I am using Deco X50-5G as a main modem. Every day, a few times, a solid red light appears on the modem and it needs to be reset (I re-plug the power cable). My ISP confirmed that there is no is
Forums/ Deco
By spconx 2023-08-15 06:26:10

x80 - connection drop

The problem, as others have reported, is that the X80-5G drops the connection - leaving a "no link to internet" and a red light on the unit. I can leave this for a while and no recovery. The only solu
Forums/ Deco
By spconx 2023-04-28 11:15:56

Uk Cyber Essentials Assessment

I am approaching my Cyber Essentials re-assessment, a certification that I need to work with the UK Government. Previously I had an old MR1200 which gave me full control and visibility over the securi