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Forums/ Routers
By MugiwaraWorker 2024-01-10 17:30:06

Change ER605v2 Omada Controller IP to Another IP without Resetting it.

I have several remote ER605 v2 routers pointed to my Omada Controller using a static public IP. I have to get a new ISP so I will need to change the static public IP of the Omada Controller. Is there
Forums/ Routers
By MugiwaraWorker 2023-05-03 19:00:57

Some ER605v2's won't stay connected to Omada Controller

I have an on-prem omada controller v 5.8.4. I have a large amount of ER605's that stay connected to the controller without issue, but I have about 20% that keep looping. They connect for a second and
Forums/ Routers
By MugiwaraWorker 2023-03-23 19:23:24

ACLs causing disconnects on ER605v2 connected to Omada Controller

I have my ER605v2 connected to an omada controller, version 5.8.4, I have 12 Lan Interfaces set on the device. I set 12 LAN -> LAN Deny All ACLs with the source from one interface to destination of al
Forums/ Routers
By MugiwaraWorker 2023-03-03 23:04:12

URL Filtering Whitelist Not Working ER605v2 with Omada Controller

I am using the URL filtering function on the controller to create a whitelist of sites, so my final url filter rule is a deny all rule using the "." Most of my permit url filter rules use a wildcard,