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Forums/ Feature Requests
By RandyAndy 2023-11-22 12:18:44

Tapo L900 light strip why not OFF default state option?

I just got three Tapo L900-5 and also have some Tapo L530 bulbs. For the smart bulbs thre is a section undr Device Settings > Default Stat > Last "On" State that allows users to seleect what happenes
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Home_Cameras 2023-07-18 06:04:32

Need to change Wifi SSID without resetting the Cameras

Everytime when i want to change the WiFi SSID, I need to reset the camera. This is both in TAPO and VIGI Wifi Camera. Can you update the App such way that we can change the SSID without reset the came
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
By RandyAndy 2023-10-18 11:47:41

Activity zones image never updated!

The image preview in Camera settings > Detection > Motion Detection > Activity Zones always shows an old/outdated still image captured many days ago. Judging by the timestamp, it looks like the camera
Forums/ Feature Requests
By RandyAndy 2023-10-18 11:33:41

This button looks like it's grayed out (disabled), but it isn't. Please make it more obvious.

Like the title says, the Save button on the Motion Detection page looks like it's grayed out but actually it is not, so it can be confusing: Another problem with the Tapo app is that it doesn't use a
Forums/ Feature Requests
By RandyAndy 2023-10-13 10:06:38

Show scrolling time selection controls as pop-up

I've uploaded a video here (watch from 2:35) to show what I mean. Basically, the time selection controls are expand-collapse type and are part of the whole user interface. The problem is BOTH the time
Forums/ Feature Requests
By RandyAndy 2023-10-13 10:01:30

Do not display check mark after launching shortcuts

I made a video to explain the problem here (just the first half of the video). In the top-right corner of shortcut buttons there is round gray button with three dots. This button normally opens the sh