a week ago
Do I need a switch to connect my P9 decos all together?
Hi everyone, I've renovated part of my home and I've added some cat 6 cables in three rooms. These are the rooms where my decos are (currently connected via power line). Now, I'd like to connect all o
2024-09-11 17:39:47
P9 are going crazy, lost connection, they all restart and the APP don't see them online
Hi, I'm in desperate need of help. My P9 decos are going crazy, they work properly showing a 450MB download speed and then they randomly lose connections like if they are rebooting themselves showing
2023-12-06 11:07:27
Forcing one device to connect to a specific Deco
Hi everyone, For some reason, whithout any change on my setup other than firmware updates, I'm having connectivity issues on a specific room of the house (main reason why I bought the Decos in the fir
2023-10-19 08:27:16
Hi all, I am trying to out smart my teenager and she seems to be winning. Every time her phone is blocked she's able to forget the wifi and then rejoin. So how do i 1/. set it up so I need to give per
2023-10-19 08:39:27
I need some clarification about my Deco P9 units
Hello everyone, I'd like to receive some clarification about my Deco P9 units. My current setup includes a standard VirginMedia WIFI modem/router, where the WiFi has been disabled and that has been co