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Forums/ WiFi
By AlwaysLearning 2 weeks ago

Can I have a SSID only use certain access points?

Is there any way to have certain SSIDS only work thru certain access points? I have 25 access points and 2 wireless networks. I would like to have the second SSID only work thru 2 specific access poin
Forums/ WiFi
By AlwaysLearning 2024-09-23 03:45:11

Reset EAP225 to default using putty

Is there a command to reset the EAP225 to default using Putty? I can do it for my Ubiquiti Access Points. These are all the commands I see using Putty. alias bg break cd chdir command continue echo ev
Forums/ WiFi
By AlwaysLearning 2023-11-02 07:54:29

Turn off wireless meshing???

Omada Controller Version : 5.9.31 Small network with 5 TP Link EA225 access points. I can't find anywhere in the controller to turn off wireless meshing. I do not want the access points to be able to