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Forums/ Routers
By gerba 2024-02-29 08:21:54

Omada: Which (PoE-) device is connected to which LAN port?

Hello! i. e. EAPs have a view 'Clients', where I can see, which Clients are connected to a certain EAP. The ER7212PC has a view 'Ports' (see attached screenshot), but it does not show, which devices a
Forums/ Routers
By gerba 2024-02-08 09:00:40

How to configure VPN via IKEv2/IPSec for Android 11+ and Windows 11 client devices?

Hello! I followed the instructions here: (see dark bottom right screenshot in the attachment). But I could not achieve to configure a VPN server in my Omad
Forums/ Routers
By gerba 2024-02-08 08:22:43

DHCP server ignores DHCP reservations

Hello! In the Omada controller web interface, when I select a device for which I have set a specific IP address, then select 'Config', do not change anything in the settings under 'Use Fixed IP Addres
Forums/ Routers
By gerba 2024-02-08 08:10:48

"The configurations of device ER7212PC are different from the configurations from the controller."

Hello! When I save configuration changes in the Omada controller web interface, I get this log entry: "The configurations of device ER7212PC are different from the configurations from the controller.