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Forums/ Range Extenders
By Vivaan_Chainani 2024-04-14 07:01:21

RE 650 ethernet slower than Wi-Fi

People say Ethernet is faster, but in the RE 650, it is not. I tried using many Ethernet cables, but I only got 80 mbps down on ethernet. Whit 5 ghz WIFI, I got 180 mbps down, and whit 2.4 ghz WIFI I
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Vivaan_Chainani 2024-04-13 07:04:50

RE 650 8K streaming

The RE 650 is the best option for running major 4k and 8k videos, without any lag. The 4*4 MU-MIMO is ideal for these conditions, to reduce congestation. The beamforming tecnology even helps to reduce
Forums/ Range Extenders
By MadBlade 2024-04-08 12:37:08

Extender RE205

I can give a different network name in the extended network, but the password is taken over from the main network. Is it possible to assign a different password in the extended network in this model?
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Vivaan_Chainani 2024-04-10 05:37:00

TL-WA850RE is amazing!

This amazing range extender totally defeates black spots and kills dead zones. Upstairs I could only get 10-15 MBPS down, but whit this extender, I got 60 MBPS down! Now my grandpearents would not com