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Forums/ WiFi
By Pablo 2018-08-17 11:35:03

AC50 - Disabled SSIDs are active after reboot of CAPs

I have currently 4 SSIDs configured on the AC50, 3 are enabled, 1 is disabled - I had to reboot all APs and when they came back online, all 4 SSIDs were active, even the 1 which was disabled.
Forums/ WiFi
By Pablo 2018-08-17 11:38:46

AC50 - When changing security of active SSID, WEP networks are created

I was having some issues on the SSIDs I had active on my AC50 - These were all configured as WPA/WPA2-PSK with the WPA2-PSK option selected but the encryption left to AUTO. So I changed the encryption
Forums/ WiFi
By Pablo 2018-08-16 23:09:36

AC50 Summertime

No options to select that the zone you are in observes summer time? And the time that is being synced by NTP is an hour out. Seems a very basic option to be omitted unless I'm missing it somewhere?
Forums/ WiFi
By Pablo 2018-08-16 22:39:59

Locking AC50 to use only certain 2.4ghz channels

I can see in the GUI for the AC50 that I can either select channel as auto, or fixed to a single channel. What I don't seem to be able to do (and is pretty standard in other WLCs) is to select the lis