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Forums/ Switches
By ImranRn 3 weeks ago


hi tplink, i'm having trouble with how the map shows the location of my switches. if you refer to the image image below, before this is the setup. however i since change the sx3008f to be the main, in
Forums/ Switches
By ImranRn 2024-12-31 18:54:35

SFP status on Omada?

hello there. from what i can tell u can check ddm or sfp status if its not under omada. like in this link is ther
Forums/ Controllers
By ImranRn 2024-09-04 03:46:46

Omada Controller

hi. i've been trying to sort this out but not sure what is happening i wanted to know which port from the switch the ap is connected so checked the topology. i can confirm that both the ap is running
Forums/ Deco
By ImranRn 2020-01-25 15:37:25

Not able to see other connected devices in the network.

hey guys. I have a question, i have my deco m5 set up as an AP. Router > main deco Router > switch > decoSlave The router i mentioned above is essentially one same router ( TPLINK C3150 ). So everythi