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Forums/ Deco
By Rider 2020-07-18 17:14:33

Different Networks with different default routes

What I am looking for is to have 2 different networks (SSIDs) with 2 different Gateways My Decos X60s are in Router mode where the main router connects with a cable to network and on the
Forums/ Deco
By Rider 2020-07-18 17:07:51

Deco x60 - Disconnected from Other Decos

I have 3 Deco X60 in my house. Lately (after upgrading the firmware) I have noticed that very often the 2 slave decos appear "Disconnected from other Decos" So I only see the master online I didn't ha
Forums/ Deco
By Rider 2020-05-16 11:46:18

Static route support

Hello tp-link.. I had 2 déco M9s and just bought 3 x60.... So I do spend some money with you guys and I will upgrade to the x90 when is available in my country.. Now, I see you don't have support for