Will there be low-power WiFi 7 AP in the future?
Hi there,
when looking at the new EAP7834 for example, the power consumption really is from another planet. 39 Watts is just mind blowing, because where previously the AP was using a mere 10 Watts (which is already a lot) were having a 4 fold increase in power consumption now, which requires an upgrade in the distribution as well (more power, more cooling) and the most concerning part for me is:
it just takes 3-4 years for the energy consumption of the device being more expensive then the device itself.
Thats just wrong.
even the smallest APs are still consuming way over 20 Watts. Something is going in the wrong direction here.
There should be at least adaptive power consumption, when no client is connected, the AP should go as low as 1 Watt (more isnt required to perform all the tasks in standby).
TPLink has to do something about this, its a major concern for CO2 footprint already.