What to do if the Tapo Camera image color is abnormal?

Released On: 2024-09-17 09:26:37Last update time: 2024-09-17 09:26:37

If your Tapo Camera shows any abnormal color image, like purple, green, or pink, here are some tips.

1. If you watch the camera on an Android phone:
    1) Tap the camera card on the Tapo app > Home tab to enter its Live View page.
    2) Tap the icon at the top right corner to enter its Device Settings page.
    3) Go to Advanced Settings > Display Settings > Turn on the Compatible Mode and check if it helps.

2. Switch the Day/Night mode manually on the camera's Live View page and hear if there is a click sound. This helps to check if the IR-Cut works properly.

3. Try to adjust the camera angle or position to avoid direct sunlight or other light sources. This can help determine if the color abnormalities are specific to certain lighting conditions or environments.

4. If the image appears too bright or white at night, it may be caused by overexposure. For example, the large reflective objects such as tiles and glass in the scenes will reflect the camera's IR light causing overexposure. 
Try to adjust the camera angle or position to avoid these reflective objects or surfaces.

5. Try to reboot and reset the camera.

For detailed instructions, refer to this article: What to do if the Tapo Camera image color is abnormal?



