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Forums/ Controllers
2022-07-30 12:32:33
Re:Acessing web ui of AP connected to WAN port
@Alex789 Thanks for reply. For some reason, it now works, so it was probably some unknown issue :) I just wasn't sure whether it is supposed to work or some extra step is required...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-07-30 10:12:22
Acessing web ui of AP connected to WAN port
I've been using Omada for a while but haven't so far explored advanced features, so sorry in advance for probably silly question... I connected my old AP to port 2 of my TL-R605, which is set as...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-07-21 09:52:06
Re:One AP offers SSID without password although the password is set
Seems to be solved after restarting the suspected AP. But still wondering how this could happened and how to prevent such situations.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-07-21 07:10:44
One AP offers SSID without password although the password is set
I used to have one SSID for guests - yesterday, I renamed it, and since then, one of my APs offers SSID without a password, even though the password is specified. On my phone, I can see the same SSID...
Forums/ Routers
2022-07-14 04:57:20
Re:ER605 suddenly disconnect from omada controller but still working
@Fae Memory usage seems to be reasonable - stable at around 40%. I'm also attaching logs. I think that the device was running for quite a long time, but can't check at the moment, as it remained in...
Forums/ Routers
2022-07-13 13:22:09
Re:ER605 suddenly disconnect from omada controller but still working
Today, I have so far 8 alerts that TL-R605 was disconnected. However, the network/connection to the Internet still works. It's strange, it used to happen like once or twice a day (not every day), but...