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Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-03 09:13:58
Re:Omada Software Controller_v5.2.4 For Trial (Beta Edition)
@Fae can we post which version of Java and Mongo are supported when we announce new releases please?
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-26 13:32:43
Re:OpenVPN Client on ER7206/ER605 in Omada SDN
@shberge It wil only work TP-Link to TP-Link since any other will require username/password and TP-Link does not support that. @Fae this has been an outstanding request for while, to either permit...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-17 21:47:10
Re:Unable to block traffic between VLANs on ER7206
Gateway ACLs will work for traffic that traverses the gateways. I am using a gateway ACL to deny IP cameras internet. The actual VLAN traffic never reaches the gateway, it is handled in the switch....
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-16 15:30:06
Re:Unable to block traffic between VLANs on ER7206
@yorkman you need an Omada switch to do this with switch ACLs. The VLAN traffic is crossing in the switch and never making it to the gateway. I figured this one out the hard way,,,,
Forums/ Controllers
2022-01-10 12:50:39
DHCP Reservation
Like the new DHCP reservation feature. My enhancement request is as follows. In order to make these easier to manage and clean up dead leases, can we please add the following to the dashboard: 1....
Forums/ Controllers
2021-11-25 09:42:14
Re:setup managed switch
So between RTFM and replacing a faulty cable in a GBIC all is working. Quite pleased :-)