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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2025-01-06 19:19:14
Re:Tapo switch P110 and P115 logging consumption problem AGAIN!
And interesting is, when i go to the Energy tab and switch to see the last 7 days, you can see that all datas are there! Only on energy consumption is missing party or on some days completely:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2025-01-06 18:54:44
Re:Tapo switch P110 and P115 logging consumption problem AGAIN!
And here some sample images of the problem:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2025-01-06 18:53:09
Re:Tapo switch P110 and P115 logging consumption problem AGAIN!
This is the previous problem two years ago:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2025-01-06 18:51:21
Tapo switch P110 and P115 logging consumption problem AGAIN!
Hello! About two years ago i had already this issue, which was somehow solved. Now again, since a few days, the consumption datas are missing on the most, almost on ALL P110 and P115. Yesterday there...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-11-11 16:03:11
Tapo App, automation temerature settings
Hi! I added an Automation routine to the Tapo App. When the measured temperature of the T310 sensor goes below 19°C it powers the swittch P115 on. And a second automation routine, which switches off...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2023-01-10 06:48:38
Re:Tapo switch P110 and P115 logging consumption problem.
Thanks! Engineers wrote me an email, all details, files they needed is sent to them. I hope the problem will be solved soon.