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Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-09 16:44:15
EAP670 PD Over Current indication
I have discovered at least one reason for my EAP670v1 reboot - they're being reset by the switch for drawing too much power. Now, I had seen this before and have tried multiple adjustments of the PoE...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-16 13:56:04
Re:EAP670 sending DNS request for "del" around once per second
@Hank21 Thank you. As a matter of reference, I upgraded one of my 670s to the latest. the del queries seemed to stop on that release. I downgraded back to 13 due to instability (controller...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-12 12:28:35
Re:EAP670 multicast loop.
@ndb217 Quick follow up here. I verified that I had multicast to unicast enabled on the controller. I also verified that I did *not* have IGMP running on my switch (which I thought I did). After...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-12 12:26:19
Re:EAP670 sending DNS request for "del" around once per second
@Clive_A Any progress on this? I have gone through my controller and not really seen anything ovbious that would casue the issue. I have not yet started poking at the internals of the EAP.
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-27 11:37:15
Re:EAP670 multicast loop.
@Hank21 Multicast to unicast is enabled. I built config for igmp last night, I thought it had been enabled but it was not. Thank you for the pointer - will report back with results.
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-26 14:54:37
Re:EAP670 multicast loop.
@ndb217 Attached is a screenshot of the packet capture viewed in wireshark