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Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
By Akshat38 2024-05-27 02:20:10

Tapo 520ws Camera detecting animals as person.

I have the camera installed in my backyard and it keeps detecting stray cats as "person". Since I have it setup to trigger an alarm with the Tapo Hub at night, this is really causing a problem. I trie
Forums/ Feature Requests
By El_Sayal 2023-05-11 19:35:23

C210 allow it to be added to a hub so it doesn't require it's own microSD Card

I have a H200 hub and various C420s and bought a C210 to complement my external cameras with an internal one, however I was disappointed to discover that it needed it's own microSD card rather than be
Forums/ Feature Requests
By orion255 2023-07-22 18:22:58

Notification when there is no power at home

I have many smart plugs in the house. They're working fine but I need one to send a notification to the "Tapo" app on my smartphone when there is no electricity in the house. So the "Tapo" app should
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Manu35150 2024-05-28 17:00:04

Perte de connection caméra

Bonjour Il serait interessant d etre averti lors cde la perte de connection avec une camera oar perte du wifi ou absent d électricité. Les voleurs utilisent de plus en plus de brouyeur wifi.
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Manu35150 2024-05-27 11:29:53


Bonjour ne serait il pas possible de pouvoir désactivé les notifications des cameras rapidement. j aimerai pouvoir désactivé la notification de la camera lorsque je vais dans le jardin tout en continu
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Pepito-34_ 2023-09-23 08:12:56

Pouvoir changer de réseau wifi dans l'application tapo concernant tous les appareils enregistrés

Bonjours, ayant installé plusieurs caméras,prises,tapo je me trouve confronté a reconfigurer un par un tout le matériel suite à un changement de Réseau d internet.( starlink entre autre, véritable rév