2020-10-20 03:53:25
Change color of EAP245 using Paint or a Fabric Cover?
The white plastic cover of the EAP245 is too visible against the mounting location. I would normally paint it but I am not, I already know that some paints will interfere with the signal strength. So
2020-10-21 23:08:22
EAP620 HD and EAP660 HD release
Hello, Is there a release date for the new WiFi 6 AX APs (EAP660 HD & EAP620 HD)? They say coming soon and all info I can find says they were meant to be released Q1 2020, now its Q4. Anyone have any
2020-10-22 15:39:46
IOS14 - Band-steering and jitter
Updated; A couple of things happened recently 1) People upgraded to IOS14 2) I updated the controller and devices to the latest firmware (new interface) Results IOS Clients behaving funny; keep droppi
2020-10-23 08:11:04
Tp link eap110 outdoor High Channel Utilization
Greetings! I would like to ask why is that my tp link eap110 outdoor always encounter high channel utilization as shown on the picture. I tried changing my channel from Auto to 1,6,11 but still, after
2020-10-23 16:42:30
Change Wifi password programmatically (standalone)
Hello, Has anyone tinkered with changing the password of a SSID programmatically? I wonder if it can be done by either ssh operations or just plainly sending http requests to the standalone controller
2020-10-16 15:40:40
EAP 245v3 Radiation pattern (vertical mount)
So, this is not the typical "radiation pattern" question. I know that has been answered. This is a north/south radiation question. So, on an EAP 245v3 (or any of the EAP series), does anyone know what